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The Medrunner API provides endpoints to retrieve lists of resources that sends back a delimited number of items with the ability to request the following items. This is often used in endpoints that return a potentially very long list of items like past emergencies for a user or the chat messages in an emergency.

Using Paginated Responses

While using the API client you will see that certain methods returns the type of the response wrapped in a PaginatedResponse type. This means that the response is paginated, and you can request more items by using the paginationToken provided and sending it back along in the next request.

In a paginated response, the array of returned items is wrapped in a data key, so you need to first access the response body of the request (, then the data field of the response body itself (

  "data": [],
  "paginationToken": "THE_PAGINATION_TOKEN"

The pagination token is a string that when sent to the same endpoint will allow the API to send you back the next set of items depending on the limit you've set.

Released under the GPL-3.0 License.